Thursday, February 26, 2009

Protect Yourself from Pesticides in Produce...

Ran across while surfing today and found it interesting to find which fruits and vegetables you should buy organic and which you don't necessarily have to. Go to their site to download a fridge reminder sheet of the "Dirty Dozen" fruits and vegetables...or even sweeter donate some cash to receive a fridge magnet and help the spread of afforable, organic foods.

above image by Kaitlin M on flickr

Free sewing patterns at Amy Butler!

I've always been a fan of Amy Butler textiles. Now you can visit her site to download free patterns! There are quite a few including lots of quilt patterns, like the one above, as well as business card holders, scarves, stuffed animals and more!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tucker loves his laptop :)

A little Photoshop fun...I just had to share this picture with you! This is what happens when you get bored on Sundays and your dog won't behave (oh and you don't have kids...haha) :) We're hoping he gets straight A's this year!

(original background image found on google)

Saturday, February 21, 2009


All of my remaining prints at makeshift modern are currently $7.00 + Free Shipping for US Residents. Please help me make way for new designs and products that I am creating as we speak! Thank you for all of your support!

Hurry five prints have already been sold :)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

new inspiration...

I've neglected my blog for sometime now as my day job and life has taken over...I have recently put more time into designing and have lots of new products coming including pendants and ACEO prints. Can't wait to show you!

Above image from -- Visit his flickr site to see more of his work!